Present: John, Phil, Martha (convener), Helen (scribe), Hassan (VfP) Karim, Ka, Jennifer, Elizabeth
Opening dance: “May I Take Peaceful Steps”
Announcements: Hassan will be out of town in Mexico late Jan/early Feb. Phil will be back-up on interim committee. Phil got scholarship to World Shakuhatchi Festival in Austin in April. Nuria Mubeen and Ka will be leading Feb dance, Phil drumming. Jennifer’s mother passed recently.
Treasurer’s report: We have $5000.40. Expenses are paid through April. Donations have equaled rent or better every indoor session.
Burton Evaluations: We got 50 evaluations back, overwhelmingly positive. People loved community, including lots of leaders, the setting. See summary below for more details. The only consistent negative was problems with audio/mics. We could consider having a mic training session next year.
Burton Finance Summary: People donated $946 to last fall’s retreat, in addition to $335 from Portland. We gave $839 away in scholarships. That means we have $1281-$839=$442 now in scholarship fund. We haven’t tracked a separate scholarship fund for a number of years. There are many barriers to starting a new bank account to keep scholarship funds separate. We decided the clearest way to keep more systematic track of monies in the scholarship fund would be to report it monthly in future Treasurer reports.
2025 Burton: Martha has confirmed that we have reserved November 7-9 for 2025. All prices will be raised, with details to be released soon. There will be no more free linens in Retreat Center, though campers can rent them for $15. Martha will ask about blankets and pillows.
Dances at 7400 Woodlawn:
Global Peace Dance reflections—It was great! Many reflections were received about how valuable it was to participants. Doing it during the day worked well. Jennifer’s set up help was very useful. We cleaned up very quickly though we didn’t remember to sweep or take out compost. To take lead again, Ka would need more time between events to prepare, and/or a partner to help organize.
Covid sign-in form reprinting—We do not have a paper master. Ka has an electronic file and can print or send it to someone else to print. We can use same sign-up sheet to write in if someone is currently immune. We are using up tests quickly. Getting more tests will be put on agenda for next meeting.
Signage—We need to post signs on all three exterior doors. Currently we have one in the suitcase for back door, but there are two other doors that need a sign with arrows. Ka has some extra laminated signs, and will think of how to attach arrows. We will need more blue tape. We can also include “enter at the rear of the church” in announcement emails.
January Dance–Hassan and Phil led a lovely dance focused on returning light. We had two new young dancers with great energy. No one remembered to ask how they found out about this circle.
2025 Winter Dances–Next year we might want to schedule Aramaic Lord’s Prayer earlier in December to spread out public dances. As usual, we will be balancing Rumi’s Urs, Solstice, Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and Global Peace Dance.
Ethics Agreement: Dance leaders will be asked to sign the one recently put out by International DUP. This item could be discussed in more detail at our next meeting.
Next meeting: Date: Friday 2/21, 1:30pm Pacific time; Facilitator: Ka; Scribe: Helen; Interim Committee: Martha, Hassan til 1/25 then Phil, Ka
Closing Dance: Gentle Shalom” and “Asalam alaikum”
2024 Vashon Retreat Evaluations Review – 70 Attendees, 50 Evaluation Forms
Majority chose Excellent to Good for these categories: Lodging, Food, Dance Space, Leaders and Overall Environment
Likes: Community, love, joy, good vibes, big circle, diversity, inclusion Variety of leaders and dances, music, musicians, Sat night zikr & ritual. Organization, schedule, theme, leaders, dance space, decorations. Location, nature, food, free table
Want more of: Free time, more time dancing, meditation, extra day, music jams, young people, faster dances, slower dances, more instructions, less instructions, louder, quieter leadings
Want less of: Long complicated dances, overamped instruments, less instruments in zikr, photography, video/phone recording, talking by coffee machine, fussing with mics
How heard about it: Emails, word of mouth, been before, other circles in region
Musicians feedback: Miss having a boschi, well organized, inclusive of newbies, liked variety
Schedule: Many liked it, some want more breaks
Mix of leaders: Many liked it, many want more young leaders
Future leaders: Two people mentioned out of town options like Bernie, Jen F, Sky, Zareen, Malika, Grace Marie, Munir. Many said locals all great!
Microphones: Too much fussing with them, awkward, loud, quiet, pops, loud breathing. Most liked them, a few did not. Ideally need to have a Mic training session for all leaders – time is tight so how to fit it in? We were lucky to have Mark step in and handle the sound and mics and there was a learning curve and lots of things to figure out.