upcoming DANCES
Scroll down to view the most up-to-date events

Covid Safety
We request that you either obtain a negative same-day test prior to attending our indoor events, or wear a mask. A few tests will be available at the door.
2024 Monthly Seattle Dance Circles
Dance your prayers for peace, drawn from spiritual traditions from around the world.
Winter Dances are held at 7400 Woodlawn/Emmaus Table, 7400 Woodlawn NE, Seattle WA 98115. Enter at the rear of the church.

Our winter dances will be held at 1:00pm on January 11, February 8, March 8, and April 12.
Summer dances in the park are completed for this season. Join us again next year at Meridian Playground/Good Shepherd Center. Times and dates will depend on weather. Get announcements via our email list!

Contact: Helen at helengabel@gmail.com or Wakil at drmatthewsusa@gmail.com if you want to be added to the email list for up-to-date announcements and event details.
2024 Dances in Mt. Vernon
March 3rd, June 2nd, September 1st, December 1st , 6:00-800, details here.
2025 Dances in Olympia
Third Sundays and Second Thursdays. Details here.
Seattle Circle Planning Meetings
The next planning meeting for the Seattle Circle will be held Wednesday, January 15, at 2:00pm by zoom. All are welcome!