Minutes 2017

  JANUARY 19, 2017 – Open Dance Community Business Meeting        download pdf
Time: 6pm potluck / 7pm meetingLocation: Phil & Helen’s /  22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell WA 98021 /                 
            425-483-6511 /  phil.notermann@gmail.com / heleng@igc.orgPresent: John, Brian, Hayra, Farishta, Murad, krsna das, Martha, Brenda, HelenConvener: John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netVoice for Peace : PhilScribe: Helen
Beginning Dance: Green Grows the TreeInterim committee report: no actionsTreasurer’s report—$2741 in bank, paid rent through January, insurance already paid through October.Old BusinessHeadsets–deferredCamp Burton finances–deferredBurton assistant–deferredMartha’s stipend–deferredPossible political assumptions–Concerns were expressed that too much space was given to sharing reactions after the election. Since the reactions expressed were grief and dismay, those not sharing those feelings might not have felt welcome. The leaders of the evening were surprised by the depth and intensity of feelings. Our desire is to be welcoming to people of all persuasions.Business cards: Brian designed new ones with “Peace Dancing”. We agreed to reimburse him for printing 2000 cards, Hayra contributing an additional $10.New BusinessOutreach possibilities–Brenda presented extensive research about options for outreach, which will take some time to digest. Actually doing outreach would require not only leaders and musicians, but enough dancers to create a magnetic circle. We agreed to take the topic up next month, potentially focusing on one or two ideas.Small attendance at Keystone Circle–A spreadsheet was presented documenting how the Circle has been shrinking slowly for many years. Over the holidays three evenings had 10 or fewer dancers. What feeds the souls of those who still come and love the dances? What keeps magnetism going when the circle is small? We shared memories of rich experiences in small circles. and discussed the inner adjustments of attitude that can shift one from disappointment to presence. Several ideas about different formats, venues or timing were put forth. The Dance Leaders retreat is February 11, where the topic will be explored further.Saadi event--Farishta asked if the Seattle Circle is interested in sponsoring a scholarship to Saadi’s and Tasnim’s retreat in April. 60-70 participants are signed up, though not as many from Seattle as she expected. Most requests for financial help are not from this community. We agreed to table until next month.Global Peace Dance report--45 people attended, with excellent energy. Hayra expressed gratitude and amazement that even though she wasn’t there, the community made it happen.Closing dance: KalamaNext meeting: Feb 15, 2017Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511  FEBRUARY 15, 2017- Open Dance Community Business Meeting    downlod pdf  Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Opening Dance: “Send us the Peace”PRESENT: N’Shama, Martha (convener), John (VfP), Helen (scribe), Brian, Hayra, BrendaQuorum is present.Interim committee report: noneAnnouncements: Jim Gunn is recovering well.Treasurer: $4162 in the account, Feb rent is paid. Insurance paid through October.Donations to other causes:
An additional section was added to policies:8b. Donations for other causes at Wednesday Night Dance (e.g. the Japanese earthquake, Syrian refugees)
1) Donations jars for other causes, at Wednesday Dance Meetings, are to be approved by DUPP, with more urgent matters being approved by the interim committee.
(2) Once approved ahead of time, by DUPP or the interim committee, notice can be (1) sent out via DUPNW –and/or– (2) via other email –and/or– be announced during announcement time at the Wednesday Dance Meeting.
(3) The collection jar on the main-table (the one with dance fliers on it) is for the support of the Seattle Dance Circle or specific DUP activities
(4) Jars for other causes should be on the side-table (the one with non-dance fliers on it)Camp Burton Reports:Financial summary:
     Martha prepared a spreadsheet of income and expenses. We made $57.10 profit. We had 10 more people, and consequently more income, but expenses were also more due to travel for the youth leader. We gave 12 scholarships.
     We discussed whether to continue seeking youth leaders, who will have travel expenses (yes) and whether to cut back on scholarships. We will start with $580 committed to scholarships, $300 from our usual fund plus $280 from Sundari’s auction. Additional scholarships will be given out only after we’ve broken even in registrations, which has been our usual practice in the past.Choosing dates:
Three weekend dates were presented to the 2016 campers since there are several competing events next fall. Nov 10-12 got the most votes, but Camp Burton has two other groups scheduled that weekend. We are currently penciled into Camp Burton’s schedule on our usual weekend, Nov 3-5. Martha will contact Camp Burton staff about moving to the preferred weekend if the retreat center and an adequate number (half?) the cabins are available. If so, she will pass it by the other members of the interim committee before changing the dates to Nov 10- 12th. Otherwise we will confirm for our usual weekend.Registrar stipend:
Martha handled virtually all the logistics and received a scholarship and an honorarium of $150. The 2016 retreat was unusually high stress because of major staff changes at Camp Burton. We agreed to award Martha an additional $75 honorarium in thanks for the extra time and distress last year. Next year is expected to be much smoother.Registrar assistant:
Tabled until next meetingEvaluations:
Evaluations have been reviewed, but presentation was tabled until next month.2017 Fall Retreat planning team: John B, Martha and Murad, with Hayra as backup.Wilderness scholarships
Tabled until next meetingLow attendance at Keystone Circle
     N’Shama prepared a presentation of systems-analysis applied to attendance. She demonstrated a causal loop diagram, describing dynamic forces that influence one another. What balancing processes exist? What reinforcing processes exist? But there’s a limit to every
reinforcing process, so cycles happen. When we agree on the map, we can see what we can
     She illustrated two cycles showing relation of leadership and outreach circles and potential effects on Keystone. We listed other external factors like aging community, relevance of music, lack of appeal to youth, traffic, social media, word of mouth, political situation, competing communication/connection methodologies, overall culture shift. What is the relevance of Dances in this time? Is it the natural cycle that we die back?
      N’Shama will bring back this item to March DUPP meeting and April dance team meeting.Outreach potential:
Brenda presented the possibility that the interfaith movement might have potential for connections, especially with current activism about religious freedom, but with no specific proposal. It was suggested that Oneness Project might grant funds for outreach energy.

Dance: Ram Nam Pranam (variation)Next Meeting – March 15, 2017Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
Martha as backup / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME  MARCH 15, 2017   –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting       downnload pdf        Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
Martha as backup / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Present: Phil (facilitator), Brian, Elizabeth, Helen (scribe), John , Martha (vforP), N’Shama (Quorum present)

Opening dance:
 “Ahaba Rahba Ahhaftenu”


Over 100 people registered for Saadi/Tasnim workshop. Saturday night will be open to public, benefit for Murshid Sam’s memorial.

Interim Committee

Brenda connected with a private school World Religion class, which might come to a Wednesday dance sometime in the future. Interim Committee confirmed that no money is required of them. Students would be encouraged to dance, not just observe, and Leaders for the night would need to be notified in advance.

Treasurer’s Report
$3034.50, rent is paid. Last month’s report may not have included an uncashed check.

Camp Burton reportRegistrar assistant—Martha thinks it will go smoothly this year. Current conversations with Camp Burton are going well. Martha will ask us for help if she thinks it’s appropriate.Evaluations—Confirmed November 10-12 weekend, which was first choice on evals. Food was the only major area of complaint. Microphones were new, 18 liked, 16 did not. Several dance leaders found the mics uncomfortable. John will review the surveys re: the microphones more closely, and we will continue the discussion at the next DUPP.Choice of next year’s leaders subcommittee–Martha, John, Murad Phil, who haven’t met yet.Oneness Project supported transportation for young leaders. We still have some money to award.Wilderness Scholarships
DUPP last year awarded several partial scholarships to Wilderness Camp. Oneness Project was providing matching scholarships. Our finances are in a different situation this year, so we decided to table this item for now.Break and Dance: “Alleluia”Dynamics of Dance Circle:
     Last three weeks Keystone Circle had more than 20 people in attendance, but 5 year trend is clearly down. A systems exercise describes the dynamics of the system, so we can see where we might be able to shift towards more of what we want. What’s the purpose of the Seattle circle? Is something trying to be born? Trying to die? We can’t control exogenous forces like increased traffic, but we might be able to mitigate such forces with some other strategy. Where might we be keeping things stuck? What’s our ultimate purpose? How can we support one another in deepening our experience collectively? How might we build the field?
      We made several more suggestions for the systems diagram, which N’Shama will take to the next Dance Leader’s meeting. The next step might be a Community Day that explores the issues. Next Dance Team meeting is 4/15Next MeetingDate: April 19Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511  APRIL 19, 2017                                 Open Dance Community Business Meeting      download pdf   Time: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Murad / phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
Present: Phil Murad, John, Brian (vfP), Helen (scribe), Martha (convener)
Opening Dance: Duhl Jalali Wali Krum
Interim Committee: no actions
Announcements: none
$2778 in treasury, slowly decreasing bank account. Donations since late February have essentially covered costs. Deposit of $1500 is on file at Camp Burton.Camp Burton
Microphones. John reviewed evaluations for comment about the microphones. Several people mentioned a need for better adjustments to sound system. An equal number made positive comments. John’s impression is that we should go forward but with some adjustments. If we use mics this fall, Brian would like to rent a mini-mixer so adjustments can be made quickly. Better positioning of mics and having mic windscreens would also
help. Martha could include our intention to fine-tune in her opening orientation talk, with requests to give Brian feedback. American Music did a good job of getting all supplies. We decide to go forward with using mics again this fall.Dance Leader choice–no final decision, but short list of potential leaders has been developed.2017 WDC matching scholarships.
Our finances aren’t as robust, so we felt reluctant to designate funds without a specific needy recipient. If a new younger dancer wants to go, we could revisit the idea of a scholarship. .Dynamic View of Seattle DUP
N’Shama presented the chart of various influences on attendance/energy which we had seen last month (insert link) to the Dance Leader team meeting. The leaders team had a general discussion about factors which could be in play and their respective importance. It’s impossible to know the degree of impact of the various factors, or how they might change over time. What if each individual spent less energy on trying to make a significant contribution, and we each put more emphasis on truly enjoying ourselves?
You can view/download the chart at http://seattledup.org/dance_circle_dynamics.htmSocial Media:
Meet-up costs $15/month, $90/6 months; renewal will be due in June. It also takes a small amount of Brian’s time to update the calendar. Over seven years 10-12 folk have come at least once via Meet-up. 250 “members” are listed. Shoreline and Woodinville might also have gotten a dancer or two. Having the listing doesn’t pay for itself financially, but the service of getting dances generally advertised might be worth it. Stopping Meet-up now
and setting up again in the future would lose the members and cost Brian’s time. We agree to renew six more months and re-evaluate.
Facebook is free. John keeps our page up. John also puts out special events on NextDoor.
Are there other social media sites that would be useful?
The website hosting fee for our three domain names will come up this summer, at $15/year each ($45 total), with Bluehost. We may be able to get it cheaper if we renew for 3 years, since we definitely will want to keep our domain names. We will also need to renew the hosting site at about $120 per year. Brian will bring a specific proposal to the next meeting.Next MeetingDate: June 16Time: 6:00 potluck and 7:00 meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE / 425-483-6511 / heleng@igc.orgConvener: Brian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.comScribe: JohnInterim committee:Martha: 206-367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgBrian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.com ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEMAY 25- Open Dance Community Business MeetingMAY Meeting Cancelled due to NO agenda itemsDate: May 25Time: 6:00 potluck and 7:00 meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Convener: Brian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.comScribe:Interim committee:Martha: 206-367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgBrian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.comJune 15 –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting      download pdfTime: 6:00 potluck and 7:00 meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Convener: Brian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.comScribe: JohnInterim committee:Martha: 206-367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgBrian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.comPresent: Brian (facilitating), Murad (hosting), Martha (Voice for Peace), and John (scribing). A quorum was present.Opening Dance: Opening Bismillah.We appointed Martha as VFP and John agreed to scribe.Announcements:Hayra noted in an email that she was resigning for an indefinite time from the DUPP, after many years of dedicated involvement in DUPP since its inception over 10 years ago.Murad reminded us of a weekend retreat he is to be leading in Nelson BC 6/28/17-7/3/17.Treasurer’s Report:
Murad noted $3136 in the bank- that includes a $1500 deposit check that is being held at Camp Burton for the Vashon Retreat.Camp Burton report:The Retreat Center is already fully booked!In addition, we have all 12 cabins available in the camp-we are the only group using the facilities the weekend of Nov 10-12, 2017.Fliers for our Regional Retreat at Vashon will be distributed at various venues (e.g., in Oregon at the Sufi Camp and at Wilderness Camp in Montana) between now and November.2017 matching scholarships for the WDC (Wilderness Dance camp)We will NOT be matched by Seattle DUP this year as we had offered last year. Our treasury is not as robust as before.Our partial scholarships program for Vashon will continue.Dynamic View of Seattle DUP-N’Shama: We will invite N’Shama to share her revised and updated dynamic model at our next scheduled Seattle DUP planning meeting in Sept 2017. view/download April 18, 2017 version of chartBanner:After several telephone calls during the meeting, it was clarified that Khadija had already purchased a Peace Dances banner for use by those in our community who might want to use it to participate more visibly in community rallies or other events. Members of our dance community made their own arrangements for payment and storage.Khadija ordered it via Vista Print. It is 2.5’ x 6’ with the Universal Worship Mandala © 2001 by Amara Karuna, Karuna Arts on
the left side.
Closing Dance: Thy Light is in All FormsNEXT MEETINGDate: Sept 13 Cancelled
Next meeting is probably on Oct 19
Location: TBDTime: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: Helen ???Interim committee:Brian / brian@briandina.com / 425-485-2019Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMENO MEETING in JULY- Open Dance Community Business Meeting NO MEETING in  AUGUST – Open Dance Community Business MeetingZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMESEPT 13 –  Cancelled Open Dance Community Business Meeting                Cancelled
Next meeting is probably on Oct 19
Location: TBDTime: 3-5pm meeting / 5-6:30pm potluckLocation: John Birnel’s home.
                 719 N 68th St, Seattle / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Convener: Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Scribe: HelenInterim committee:Brian / brian@briandina.com / 425-485-2019Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389OCTOBER  19, 2017 – Open Dance Community Business Meeting     download pdfTime: 6pm potluck / 7pm meetingLocation: Phil & Helen’s /  22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell WA 98021 /                 
            425-483-6511 /  phil.notermann@gmail.com / heleng@igc.orgConvener: John / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netScribe: Helen ???

Interim Committee Report
The interim committee (Martha and Brian) decided to authorize $300-400 in travel expenses for Jen Friedman to get from Longmont, CO to Camp Burton and back..  This will include (1) van service from Longmont to Denver airport and back (2) airfare round trip (3) cost to fly 1 bag and 1 guitar (4) ferry fare for whomever we arrange to pick Jen up at SeaTac.  Jen will bring receipts to finalize actual cost.  NOTE: there was no mention of actual travel costs for previous Burton retreats in the business meeting minutes.
 John (facilitator), Lesley, Martha, Helen (scribe), Hayra (VoiceforPeace), Phil, Brian
Opening Dance: Bismillah RoundAnnouncements:12/20 will be date of Aramaic Lord’s PrayerGuest Leaders 11/1/2017 and 1/3/2018 from Bellingham (Jelaladin & Sitara)Treasurer’s Report: Liability insurance is paid, rent is paid through October. We have $2664 in bank account plus cash. That figure does not include a $1500 deposit always on file at Burton.Leader’s Retreat report:Attendance report was reviewed; leaders considered the idea of decreasing the times per month we hold Keystone Circle. Do we have enough leaders for year-round coverage, enough dancers, enough money? What about the idea that all stakeholders gather to talk about next steps?Consensus of team was to support the idea of a community day. We will likely piggy-back a community afternoon onto a half-day morning meeting with the regular and more intermittent leaders at Keystone. The morning meeting would be to lubricate and facilitate communication with the wider leader field. Dance team also discussed one strategy from the Portland St. Michael’s group, which is to pair leaders who usually lead together on regular dates each month.Likely date of our community day will be next spring. Hassan and N’Shama are looking at March or April for first half. Helen and Murad willing to lead committee organizing the second half. Murad reminded us that our denial and grief over the numerical decline of our Circle makes this a difficult topic to address.Camp Burton Report:Out of area guest leader travel expenses ($300-400) was approved by Interim Committee.We still have money from Oneness Grant for young attendees.Currently Martha has registered 57 attendees, 10 maybes, 30 or more contacted who might sign up last-minute. We are likely to have 60-70 total attendees. The small building next to Retreat Center will be available for jamming or morning meditation but keys, clean-up and night-time noise would be more complex to manage.Keystone Storage:
We’re officially authorized for only one shelf at Keystone, but we take up two or more. One strategy would be to remove our outdoor signage. We could consolidate things which are on the second shelf. John and Helen will look at the issue after Camp Burton. Reduce quorum to one Dance Leader:
Hayra suggests that we reduce quorum for planning meeting decisions to one leader because we may not have enough leaders to appear regularly over the winter. The issue was mentioned but not discussed at Leader’s Retreat. We agreed to require only one Dance Leader for decision making, provided that the Dance Leaders would need to approve the change. Leaders must have attended 2 of the last 6 meetings to vote on decisions, and phone attendance has been done in the past for decision-making. Th interim committee could end up making more decisions if it’s hard to find a quorum. A total of four members would still be needed for decisions. Dances: Shalom and Shanti Pra Shanti Review of attendance summary since 2012:
Helen and Martha have kept track of numbers of dancers and donations since 2012. There is a clear trend towards lower numbers. Hayra reports that dances can be very sweet and juicy with small numbers. John feels more optimistic about continuing even with smaller numbers. Long-time dancers may feel differently since the group is used to being larger. Location and context mean a lot. Living room dances can be very intimate.
Download Weekly # of Dancers Chart   ||   Download Weekly Donations Chart
     NOTE: The above documents are Legal size (8-1/2 x 14) so you will need to mare sure to:
        (1) use 8-1/2 x paper
        (2) Tell Adobe Acrobat that you are using 8-1/2 x 14 when you print.
        (3) Any problems, contact Brian: 425-485-2019 / brian@briandina.com Meet-up Renewal:
We get regular website sign-ups, and one dancer did show up recently from Meet-up. Meet-up costs $15 per month, renewed every 6 months. In the past we thought it was worth keeping. John proposes keeping it another 6 months; Brian will bring the question of renewal up in enough time to put out notices if we don’t renew. Holiday card:
We approved $49 for stamps, with the intention of addressing 100 cards after a dance meeting. We don’t know when the cards will arrive. Global Peace Dance:GPD is an independent event, still being planned. A venue is not yet secured, but the date and time will be the same as in previous years. DUP North America Website contacts:DUP-NAm has set a policy that only paid dance leaders are listed on that site. Brian has not paid, so he can’t be the contact for Seattle. On our local site, Brian, John, Hayra and Martha are listed as contacts. Hassan and Hayra are currently listed for the NAm site, but Hassan will be traveling soon. Phil will approach Zarifah, and Hayra will ask Aarti to consider being listed as contacts. They would forward messages (<1 message/month) to Brian. Martha will formally protest NAm policy, as the real contact for many circles is a member of a hosting organization such as a church, not a dance leader.Future agenda item:
Review interim committee limit on what can be authorized, for instance the travel expenses for Burton Retreat.Closing DanceNext MeetingDate: Thurs-Dec 7Time: 6:00 potluck and 7:00 meetingLocation: Phil & Helen’s /  22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell WA 98021 /                 
            425-483-6511 /  phil.notermann@gmail.com / heleng@igc.orgConvener: Phil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME   NOVEMBER  –  No meeting in November    THURS-DEC 7  –  Open Dance Community Business Meeting    download PDFTime: 6:00 potluck and 7:00 meetingLocation: John’s home / 719 N 68th St, Seattle
                 (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netConvener: Phil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netPresent: Brian, Hayra, Murad (convener), Martha, Helen (scribe), John (VfP).   Quorum present.Opening Dance: (sung) Soli DeoAnnouncements:Aramaic Prayer 12/20 7:00pmGPD 12/31, team led by Daniel Hamid, at Shoreline acupuncture studioRumi evening in Bellingham 12/15Treasurer’s Report:
$15,456 currently in bank, which includes roughly $13,500 in checks that were from registrants at Camp Burton. There is still some cash from Burton not yet deposited. Check to Burton hasn’t been written, and some reimbursement expenses haven’t been paid out yet. December rent is paid. Because Camp Burton accounts are not settled, a full treasurer’s report isn’t possible tonight. However our treasurer is confidant that we won’t be in the red when everything is paid up. Of our final total balance, $191 remains in the scholarship fund, and $240 is committed to supporting youth.====Camp Burton Report====================This is the second year for the new management. Last year there were changes and issues – especially with the food quality. This year the food was great. Luckily they did not raise prices during this past transition year. Next year there will be new procedures around the food and lodging.In finalizing the finances with Camp Burton there was some misunderstandings and discrepancies between what Martha calculated and what they thought we owed. Martha worked with the camp manager to come to an agreement on final costs. The final costs are much more than we expected. Bottom line is that we lost $560.40. We were able to give away 8 scholarships and still have $191 ear marked for scholarships next year (thank you generous donors of $297.50 this year) and $240 from Oneness grant for youth travel scholarships.Food: The area of most discrepancies and new changes is the meals. Martha has to tell the camp a week ahead how many meals to order. This year it was 88 meals at that time point. Then there were several cancellations and part-timers adjustments. Example – there were actually 77 Fri night dinners eaten and the camp is charging us for 84. It is a similar case for each meal. We have to pay several hundred dollars extra for left-over food. This was not communicated clearly to us before camp and has not been the case in previous years. In addition to this extra food cost, the camp has started to charge a ‘Special Diet’ fee which is $8.50 per person per weekend. There were 27 special diet requests this year. We were told about this late this year so, since the registration prices were already set, we decided to absorb this cost. These costs add $229.50 to the expenses this year.Lodging: Up thru this year we have paid per person for the cabins, no matter how many cabins we use. Next year we will be charged for each cabin we use. The camp considers the cost based on all six lower bunks being full. If we have non-full cabins the price is the same but the individual cost will go up to cover the total cost. So we will have to figure out new ways of pricing & assigning cabins. We have been fortunate to have it so easy and spacious so far. The Retreat Center has been charged per double or triple occupancy and those costs will remain the same in 2018.Camp Burton is working on tightening up their costs and we need to do the same. In 2018 the food costs will be higher. One factor they mentioned is that the changing world weather is driving food costs up. So for next year we will be brain storming to come up with new ways to accommodate these new policies at Camp Burton. We need to re-visit our cancelation policy to more realistically cover our costs and how we handle part-timers. Will we want to continue this option and how best would we optimize it? All these changes will need to be publicized early next spring to our usual registrants.We have great appreciation to Martha for handling all the stress and details. We will consider an additional bonus for the registrar in January after the final bookkeeping is done. Whether to aim for a profit at Camp Burton next year is a separate question for the future. Camp was wonderful! Thanks to all who put in time to make this happen– so many hands were involved! The three leaders brought diverse gifts and worked well together. The event seemed to serve our larger community beautifully.===End of Camp Burton Report====================Break: “Love One Another”Quorum change: Proposed change in number of Dance Leaders needed for quorum is waiting for next Dance Leader retreat..Spring Community Day: Hassan and N’Shama are finding a date with dance leaders. Brian will ask him to add Martha, John and Helen to the poll. Last couple of Wednesdays we had good attendance.Potential contact for NorthAmerica DUP–Murad and Hayra are working on it.Use of neighborhood news: tabledItems for next meeting:Final Burton finances, including registrar bonusBurton evaluation form reportUse of neighborhood newsClosing Dance:
“We’ve Come into a Healing Time” first as chair dance, then standing, then moving.Next MeetingDate: Thurs-Jan 18Time: 11:30am potluck and 12:30-2:30pm meetingLocation: Phil Murad and Helen’s home
                 22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell
                 phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511
                 heleng@igc.org / (425) 483-6511Convener: Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:Hayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comJohn / (206) 782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.net ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME

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