Minutes 2020

  JANUARY 30, 2020       click here to download pdfLocation: Phil & Helen’s in Bothell

Martha (facilitator), Helen (Scribe), Hayra, N’Shama, Melissa, Brian, John (vfP). Quorum is present.Dance: Bismillah RoundAnnouncements:
  • Shoreline Dance will resume on 3rd Fridays in March, same location.
  • SkyCamp dates: May 15-17
  • Elizabeth, John and Hayra have applied to Folklife for a DUP presence, will be recruiting help.Interim committee:
Cancelled January 15 Keystone Dance due to snow.Treasurer’s report:
  • We have approximately $3100 in assets; rent is paid through January.
  • In 2019 we averaged $84 per night, compared with $94 per night in 2018.
  • In 2019 we averaged 14.4 dancers per night, compared with 17 per night in 2018.Camp Burton 2019:
Financial report:
  • Martha reported that we had 60 total attendees.
  • Income: $16,210 Expenses: $11,460 Profit: $454.31.
  • A complete financial report is available from Martha upon request.
Food issues:
The camp cook almost quit because we had so many special needs folks who constantly bothered the kitchen. People came late, didn’t hear the oral announcements, and didn’t read the white board. In the future, all communications with kitchen will have to go through Martha (or another designated person), not directly to cooks. We can encourage people to bring their own food as well.
  • The final summary has been tabulated but was not available at this meeting due to technical difficulties. Dance team was very positively received. In other areas, comments were similar to most years. Main suggestion for improvement: no or fewer cell phones in dance space.
Planning for 2020:
  • Dates are set for Nov 6-8. Martha will send out “save the date” announcement. Price will only go up slightly. Might we consider raising $10 per person to cover this and help make up for weekly Keystone losses? Martha and Helen will review costs and fees. What about further incentivizing using all the beds in the Retreat Center?
  • John, Martha, Hayra willing to remain on committee to choose 2020 leaders.
  • N’Shama suggested that having guest leaders sign up earlier would ease the process for the main leaders. Current plan is to have check-box on registration form for leaders and musicians, which would be send to main leaders. Hayra tried this approach before, and by and large liked having dances known ahead of time. N’Shama’s leader group wasn’t clear about what boundaries were expected in terms of numbers of guest leaders to be included. Phil Murad and N’Shama are planning to write up something for 2020 leaders. Separate letter/email to leaders and musicians after confirmation letter has gone out? Maybe a limit of 10 guest leaders? We want to project a vision that is inviting to leaders but also holds a magnetic center.Alternate Venue Sites for Seattle Dance:
  • Investigated church at 78th and Greenwood, but found that acoustics didn’t work well.
  • Martha checked out a church in Haller Lake, but acoustics will probably be similar issue with carpet and acoustic tiles. Still waiting to hear from another church in that area. Also checked out a church off 45th, but no space available.
  • N’Shama has held an event at Phinney Ridge Lutheran, but we have also been told that door monitors would be required there. $75 per evening versus $87.50 at Keystone. Food could be made available. N’Shama will confirm about door monitoring requirement.
  • Center for Spiritual Living–still being investigated.
  • Also still being investigated: St. Andrews on some other evening, synagogues. Bergith has suggested a community room at a senior trailer park at no charge.
  • Other suggestions from dancers all have some problems: Amazing Grace in Ballard isn’t ADA accessible, North Capitol Hill site has no parking, room in athletic club in Shoreline is too far north.
  • We discussed other ideas: 1) Switch to 2 evenings/month at Keystone, use meeting room at libraries for other Wednesdays. Libraries close early and can’t be regularly booked. 2) monthly dance at Keystone with PR, home dance on another Wednesday for more deepened, intimate process. Issue would be finding homes that were available. 3) Simply drop to two meetings a month at Keystone.
  • However, on 1/29 several people showed up who used to dance but aren’t regular now. They knew they could just show up because they knew where and when the Dances were being held.Requesting Financial Support:
N’Shama suggests asking for monetary support from folks who love the dances but who may not be coming regularly (“tithing”). Donation button on the website might help that process. What would be needed technically? Do we need to start a paypal account? What about wording on website? Could it be set up for recurring payments? We would need an inviting PR email and regular announcements. Phil will write some draft wording and pass on to interim committee.Next Meeting:
March 5 /
at Phil Murad and Helen’s home / (425) 483-6511 / helengabel@gmail.com
Convener: Hayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.com
Scribe: Melissa
Interim Committee: Martha, John, Hayra  FEBRUARY 2020   –  No MeetingNo Meeting
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME  MARCH 5, 2020            download pdfPresent: Hayra (facilitator), Melissa (Scribe), Martha, Helen, Phil Murad, Brian, John (vfP). Quorum is present.Opening Dance:: Sha NoonAnnouncements
  • Hayra – March 28th Event: Day of Dance – cancelled
  • Prayers of Healing for Hamid – Right ThumbTreasurer’s report
  • $3174 in accounts – does not include March rent of $300
  • Average weekly giving since the New Year is $77
  • Average weekly number of dancers since the New Year is 13IC Report
  • Snow Cancellation
  • Nothing else to report.COVID19 Response Options
On Wednesday, March 4th a flyer was placed on the front door and stairs to please wash hands before dance and at the break. The door handles were wiped with an essential oil sanitizer. Leaders were invited to lead dances with no contact. Most dancers did not hug while some did.
Other Response Options Offered for Considerations
Helen mentioned that the health department has asked us to limit gatherings and other public health recommendations. It may be wise to plan take two to three weeks off. Martha shared that we may need to talk to the church about not paying rent or making other arrangements. Hayra reminded us that there are a lot of precious lives involved in making this decision. We all receive different sustainance from the dances. While we may all be disappointed to delay our next meeting, it is possible that a grand reopening may energize our circle of people who have been starved for dance during the time off. Melissa was undecided but offered a mantra to remain steadfast in hope, reject fear, and take responsible, well-informed, proactive action. Brian affirmed the good energy and spirit in which we share during dance is good for the immune system. He also suggested that canceling for a month might mean we never meet again. We also need to ensure we post all changes to the website.We decided to recommend to the Dance Team leaders for the next 5 Wed. that they not lead, unless they could take appropriate precautions against the virus spreading. Hayra and Phil offered to contact those leaders and notify this committee and dupnw of the results. Phil will contact the church, in case the leaders agree not to meet those nights, as to whether the church will absolve us of our rental fee. We agreed to go ahead and cancel in that case, even if the church holds us to our rental fee. We will relook at this decision at our next meeting.
  • Update, after the above consultation,” Dance was cancelled
  • Dance is cancelled from March 11th thru April 8thFall Retreat – Martha
The financial figures for the 2019 Vashon retreat were not accurate in the Jan 2020
minutes. The accurate figures are:
  • Income = $13,017
  • Expenses = $12,563
  • Profit = $4542019
  • evaluations were reviewed
  • save the date announcement – Martha will take care of that
  • economic adjustment – Helen and Martha will do in the next month
  • Retreat Leadership Selection is moving along and has another meeting set up
  • Write up for 2020 leaders per expectation of guest leaders – N’Shama, Phil & HelenEconomics and Magnetism of Seattle Weekly Dances
  • New Sources or Methods of Inviting Monetary Donations
  • Martha and Phil will look into connecting our account to a PayPal account.New Venue Search Nothing yet to reportNext Meeting: Wed-Apr 16Time: potluck 6pm / meeting 7-9pmLocation: Phil and Helen’s (subject to change)
                      22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell, WA
                     (425) 483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comConvener: Murad
                   phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Scribe: MelissaInterim committee:Murad: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 John: jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Hayra: hayrafatah@gmail.com / 206-546-6092  APRIL 16, 2020    –   Meetng CancelledTime: potluck 6pm / meeting 7-9pmLocation: Phil and Helen’s (subject to change)
                      22405 39th AVE SE, Bothell, WA
                     (425) 483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comConvener: Murad
                   phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Scribe: MelissaInterim committee:Murad: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 John: jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Helen: helengabel@gmail.com 425-486-6511Simple discussion via Zoom
    of last 2 Online Dance Meetings.
      No business items were discussed.NEXT MEETING: Thurs-May 14Time: meeting 7pm to 9ishLocation: via ZOOMConvener: Murad
                   phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511Scribe:Interim committee:Murad: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 John: jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Helen: helengabel@gmail.com 425-486-6511
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEMay 14, 2020   –  via ZOOM    download pdfPresent: Hayra, John, Phil Murad (convener), Jennifer (vfP), Elizabeth, Helen (scribe), Brian, Martha towards the end of the meeting
Opening poem: St. Thomas Aquinas: “I said to God, let me love you”
Interim Committee Report: Rescheduled April planning meeting until 5/14.
Treasurer’s report: $3174 in the treasury. No change since last meeting since we have had no income and no expenses. Only expected upcoming expenses are related to web and insurance. Might there be an insurance discount because we aren’t actually meeting? Phil Murad will inquire.Zoom meetings feedback:
     Tech is getting smoother each time. Lots of positive feedback about open mic as a community builder. Elizabeth is keeping it focused on our community, allowing deeper sharing. Open mic format is more inclusive and inviting to all attendees. There is more investment and revealing from each person, so we are knowing each other more deeply. Open mic is a doorway to other leaders crossing the threshold to try leading.
     One frustration has been how few local leaders have been willing to lead, so Elizabeth will be inviting guest leaders from other areas as well. Another issue is how difficult it is to manage tech and lead at the same time. More leaders would be helpful, or someone else running tech (who would need a full computer and good internet).
     Brian is willing to keep website up to date if info is sent to him.
Other suggestions: we wouldn’t have to meet every week if meeting that frequently becomes burdensome. We could state “watch for the announcement” if skipping a meeting, encouraging participant responsibility to look for announcements if they want to come.
      Sharing in the middle of the regular dance session is going over 30 minutes. People are going over time, and there’s a little hiccup with the transition between each person. We discussed the option of having breakout groups if more than 10 dancers are present. 4-5 people per group with a 15 minute limit was suggested. A warning longer than 60 seconds at the end of the breakout group would be preferred.Overall “State of the Union”:
     The first zoom meeting was larger, with out of towners attending from curiosity as well. Now we have about 20 dancers, mostly from our local community, which was the original vision. We are the only circle we know of doing extended sharing at each dance meeting.
     Who are we missing who was coming? Who might come back when we’re live again?
Hayra has called some folks, encouraged them to come. We’ve discovered a real hunger from our local people for connection. As our group ages and people can’t drive or dance as well, zoom is turning out to be a good service and interesting resource.
     Is there any way to sing in synch? Brian will contact a friend who might have figured out how to do this, but so far Elizabeth hasn’t found anyone who knows how to do it. Raging Grannies are recording songs with each person singing only 2 lines and passing it to the next singer.
     Spotlight function with unmuting could allow people to take turns leading the singing. If the group is small, we could diagram who is where in the circle and reach out energetically to each other. “Pinning” is another way to dance in pairs. Another option is to spend silent time with one other person, feeling their energy.How to stay prepared for a restart of live dancing?
     No one knows what to expect, but it is likely a long timeline before Keystone would be wise. From a recent epidemiology article, we have three big risk factors: indoor venue, forceful exhalations, and prolonged exposure, even if we remained 6 feet apart and didn’t hug, etc.  WDC and NW Sufi Camp have been cancelled. A specific outdoor summer event might be
possible, but not our regular meeting. A decision to re-start would need more than the interim
committee, and could wait until the next regular planning meeting.Fall Retreat update:
     Are we really absolved of responsibility if we end up canceling with Camp Burton? Martha forwarded emails that seem open to feeling out how to proceed as more is learned. Martha says nothing is in our contract about cancellation dates. Concern was expressed about the official state “green light” being on, but our group not feeling safe enough. Do we have any
written contract yet and if so, what is the written agreement? Martha will send out a copy of the contract to our group.
     The leaders have agreed to come in 2021 if 2020 is cancelled. Some kind of Camp Burton
zoom event might also be possible this fall.Relationship with Keystone:
    Pastor Rich told Phil Murad that the church won’t be asking for rent while we aren’t coming. That was before really understanding how long this could last. There has been no communication about what Keystone desires or needs long term. We could consider a small goodwill donation.Paypal button on website: Next steps lie with Phil Murad and Martha. Brian will put it onClosing poem: Teresa of Avila: “He desired me so I came close…”Next MeetingDate: Wed-June 17Time: meeting 2pm to 4pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener: 
Martha: inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org (206) 367-0389Scribe: JohnInterim committee:Murad: phil.notermann@gmail.com / (425) 483-6511 Jennifer: jenanagel@hotmail.com / 206-283-1185Martha: inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org (206) 367-0389June 17, 2020   via Zoom   download pdfPRESENT (on Zoom): Helen (Voice for Peace), Martha (facilitating), John (scribing), Brian, Elizabeth (zoom hosting), and Hayra. Quorum presentWe danced to Woke Up This MorningNothing reported from the Interim CommitteeTreasurer report: Still at $3174.DISCOUNTED INSURANCE: Item deferred to next meeting due to absence of Treasurer, who was tied up in a computer installation.UPDATE ON ZOOM DANCES: Still meeting every Wed 7:30pm, alternating between one Dance Focused and the alternate week Open Mic focused. Good attendance. Elizabeth commits to keeping it going, zoom hosting at least through the end of July 2020. She is enlisting other leaders to take the main dance leading responsibility on Dance Focused nights, and is utilizing some out of town guest leaders.STATE OF THE UNION: Besides our successful weekly Zoom events, there has also been some interest in setting up some reservation only small in-person dance events outside in a park or closed parking lot this summer. Stay tuned. There have been some events beginning like that, with social distancing, in other parts of the country.The Dance Leaders have been meeting monthly for shorter meetings.We don’t anticipate returning soon to Keystone.VASHON RETREAT FOR 2020:
     A Camp Burton announcement has been sent out on DUPNW and to prior participants in our Regional Retreat. No special need for large # of printed fliers at this time due to cancellations of regular Dance meetings in the region and at various camps this Spring and Summer at which we would normally use them.
      Martha sent to the core DUPP members a copy of the contract with Camp Burton and of the recent clarifying letter from them to her. While the minimum # of campers will likely be modified to reflect COVID 19 concerns, there was no flexibility noted re: the date before which we could cancel with no penalty.
      Martha will contact the camp to see if a formal addendum to the written contract could be negotiated so we would not need to make a premature decision to cancel as early as Aug. 4 th. Maybe language like deadlines do not apply until at least a week after health clearances are received, and communicated to us.
     If we were to offer something virtual, one of our team leaders C. Sage Dames (Windsong) would probably not participate because she eschews electronic communication such as with zoom. We could ask for some donations, but not required, and it would likely not be for the entire weekend. Opening and closing sessions only? The question has been raised by one dancer about utilizing zoom even if we do meet in person, for those unable to participate in person. Maybe just one session? It could be a challenge, and would require some special equipment and volunteer expertise, most likely.PAYPAL: Martha offers to set up an account if possible. Years ago, we were set up with the state as a non-profit, though that may not have been updated, should such an update be necessary. If we do not have the proper “credentials” to sign up as a group with Paypal, then Martha will bring it back to DUPP for further discussion. Some thought of a particular person being the “pass through” though IRS considerations might complicate matters.KEYSTONE DONATION: We decide to wait to see if a voiced need for donations to the Church (where we have met for decades) emerges before we consider offering a donation to their survival.WRITE-UP FOR 2020 VASHON LEADERS RE: EXPECTATIONS ONGUEST LEADERSHIP: Deferred to next meeting. Worthy of note is the difficulty in having easy email contact on this issue with one of the 3 Vashon Retreat leaders for 2020.Concluding Dance: One LoveACTION ITEMS:MURAD – DISCOUNTED INSURANCE: Look into our getting a discount on our insurance since we are not using Keystone or having events in person.MARTHA – to contact the camp to see if we can get a formal addendum to the written contract so we would not need to make a premature decision to cancel as early as August 4thMARTHA to check to see if we have the proper “credentials” to sign up as a non-profit- group with Paypal and if so, sign us up.NEXT MEETINGDate: Thurs-July 23Time: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator: 
John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Scribe: Helen offers to scribe and Hayra to back her up on thatInterim committee:Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Hayra / hayrafatah@gmail.com / 206-546-6092John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEJULY 23, 2020      download pdfTime: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator: 
John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Scribe: Helen offers to scribe and Hayra to back her up on thatInterim committee:Martha / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org / (206) 367-0389Hayra / hayrafatah@gmail.com / 206-546-6092John / jbirnel@comcast.net / (206) 782-6129Present: Jennifer, Helen (scribe), Phil, John (convener) Brian, Martha, Hayra (VfP), Elizabeth
Quorum is present.Announcements: noneInterim committee report: noneTreasurer’s report No activity. $3174 in the treasury.Insurance inquiry   Phil inquired as to whether our liability insurance can be discounted since we have no activity. He was told no discount is available, though we could apply for a “scholarship” in September if we have trouble paying the premium. If we aren’t going to be dancing in person, could we just stop the policy? But would we be able to sign up again later? Phil will investigate what’s possible before September meeting.Zoom dances
     Report from Elizabeth: We have been running close to 20 people and meetings are clearly well received. Elizabeth has been doing all the planning and hosting, but it takes too much energy to do it all. She enjoyed leading last night with Wakil doing the technical end. She plans to drop open mic for month of August and offer two regular dances, 8/5 and 8/19. She needs both leaders and tech host support for August. Phil and Helen volunteer to learn to help manage zoom meetings. Healing attunement would be 8/5. Phil will be backup for healing dance if Jennifer is not available. Thanks to Elizabeth and Jennifer for holding the healing energy, especially during this difficult period.
     Feedback: Plan for August sounds good to the group. Seems like we are drawing people outside the area. Zoom is drawing folks into a cohesive feel, with a deep experience last night.
     Future needs: Eliz will be gone again November-February and someone local would have to hold the focus. Elizabeth can give the host key to a local person to use while she is gone. Who will feel the passion sufficiently to organize it? Dances might have to be less frequent, or on pause for awhile.
     Zoom finances: We have a proposal to pay for a year’s zoom account. Elizabeth’s zoom leadership is the only thread holding us all together right now, so nothing is more valuable to support. We agree to reimburse Elizabeth for a year’s zoom account.In-person dance option
Hayra played music for Elizabeth live and at a distance for last night’s dance and found the experience quite wonderful. Even two people together during the zoom dance, outside and at a distance, could be enriching. Being together that way is an option for anyone during the nice weather. Hayra will put out an email sharing her idea.Fall Retreat
     Cancellation decision: Camp Burton director confirms that they are not holding any group to cancellations or fees. He acknowledges that social distancing probably couldn’t work for a large event like ours. We have one registration only. Usually by now the retreat center would be full. Is the situation clear enough to cancel now? Or, shall we continue to wait and see for another month? Would it be ethical to offer an in-person event considering the high-risk status of our dancers? However, there is no harm in keeping the possibility open in case the general situation changes. The leaders are planning to offer a
virtual option if the in-person retreat is cancelled.
     Proposal: we will decide about cancelling the fall retreat at the September meeting, unless leaders and tech staff opt to decide to cancel the in-person event before the September meeting. Martha will communicate this with the leaders.
     Virtual options: NW Sufi Camp has 3 full zoom days, Inland Camp had one hour, morning and evening. At one East Coast camp, leaders were leading in a small musical group. Elizabeth is willing to host the retreat on zoom, with support from Helen and Phil. We want to give leaders and tech support time to prepare. Tech and leaders will need to work together. Brian requests making sure appropriate contact info is available for website.Paypal
We can join as a business, at a slightly higher rate than 501(c) 3 non-profits. Martha has instructions, and sent the tech info to Brian. We need an email address to open Paypal, but Paypal allows only one account per email. Martha and Phil already have Paypal accounts associated with their e-dresses. Phil and Martha will discuss how to handle the email question and finalize the details. A new email could be created and forwarded to one of them. Brian will get a button onto the website.Tabled indefinitely:
   •Vashon retreat procedure summary from Martha and Helen
   •Letter to leaders about including guest leaders from Phil, Helen and N’ShamaClosing dance: Look Not for TruthNEXT MEETINGDate: Thurs-Sept 17Time: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator: 
(206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgScribe: HelenInterim committee:John / (206) 782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org  AUGUST 2020    No meeting in August                                ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMESEPT 17, 2020                  download pdfLocation: by ZoomPresent: Elizabeth, Helen (scribe), Munajat, Brian, John, Martha (convener), Phil, HayraOpening Dance by guest leader, Munajat:“Altar of Love”Review/revise agenda, establish voice for peace(Ka) and scribe(Helen),
Quorum(yes)ITC report (no biz)Announcements–noneTreasurer’s report—
$2967 in our coffers. An anticipated insurance expense will be approx. $260 and a year of Zoom account $160. The Zoom account will be available to the planning group to use while Elizabeth is out of the country.Camp Burton 2020 –update from MunajatFall retreat will be virtual, Altar of Love is theme. Sage opted not to be part of zoom retreat. Timing is right after the election, may be many emotional needs.Joanna Macy’s “Work that reconnects” process will inform the structure: gratitude, honoring pain for world, see with new eyes, going forth with empowerment. How to connect the manifest with the underlying Source? Not explicit practices, but attunement of dance choices.Likely agenda: 4 sessions with optional afternoon independent inner work. Option of social or meditation at the start of each session. Afternoon session would be optional practice like wazifas or meditation, as suggested by Hassan at end of morning session. Themis has offered to be extra tech support person to give tech people (Elizabeth and Helen) some relief. Many questions were discussed. How many guest leaders could be fit in and how many leaders would be willing to lead? Would a registration fee encourage really being present? How to magnetize interest for people really paying attention, like sharing other roles (reading poetry, doing invocation, etc.)? Could concurrent breakout rooms be used to include leaders in groups of 16 or so, so all faces can be seen at once? What is role of Seattle website?Charging a fee would be more complicated. Other camps have all been by donation.We could use donations money to donate to other causes. What about donating to Camp Burton or Keystone Church? Only retreat expense might be a new microphone for leaders. What kind of financial reserve do we need for future in-person dances? We used to spend excess on scholarships or NW Harvest. We agree to ask for donations, send half to NW Harvest and to retain half. Donations to Camp Burton or Keystone could be decided later, after we see what comes in.Registration: participants would click on link to register, and get code for entry, needed for security to avoid zoom-bombing. Matin has offered to handle it on his web domain, linked to Seattle site. Matin wants to make a little video explaining the vision and getting people to sign up for roles/dance-leading. He says he could handle paypal if needed.Slide show invoking Camp Burton? Some photos are on the Seattle website, would need to get more. Many recordings of prior dances. Videos with sound on You-tube with link on Seattle website after the retreat? Matin or Elizabeth can create the slide show. Details and questions can be run through ad hoc committee (Helen, Martha, Elizabeth). Need to release some kind of teaser announcement soon.Registration should be offered early in October and announcements repeated.Request to keep content a-political, emphasize spiritual resources.Zoom Dances Update—
     Dances have been lovely, Elizabeth felt invigorated after NA virtual meeting about on-line dances. Ka and Kalama will lead on 1st week of October. She has received a few requests for open mic. No one has come forward for 3rd week of Oct. Lots of spotlighting for partner dances last week. Maybe in future only 1-2 dances should use spotlighting.
     Will anyone be willing to offer zoom dances when Elizabeth leaves in November? Elizabeth might be able to lead monthly but her internet may not be stable. Several people could do zoom support, but real issue is getting leaders to agree to lead. Elizabeth has found that if people are asked directly, they will accept, but general requests aren’t answered. If one leader says “yes”, they could invite someone they like to lead with to co-lead. Could be as few as three meetings (Dec, Jan, Feb) but twice a month would be better. A sub-committee of dancers agrees do the organizing for “Winter Zoom” (Martha, John, Helen).Insurance update-–
Should we stop policy since we are not actually dancing? Unable to reduce costs except by not purchasing it. Can’t tell if we would be able to repurchase later, as times are unstable. No objections to renewing as planned.PayPalDonation button on website—
Martha has created a new email address,seattledup@gmail.com which can be hooked up to bank account and a link put on website. Aim is to have it ready before registration date.NEXT MEETINGDate: Thurs-Oct 22Time: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator: 
Hayra: / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:John / (206) 782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOMEOCTOBER 22, 2020        click here to download pdfDate: Thurs-Oct 22Time: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator: 
Hayra: / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe: HelenInterim committee:John / (206) 782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra / (206) 546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgPresent: Elizabeth, Helen (scribe), Phil (vfP), Ka (convener), Brian, John, MarthaAnnouncements: none Treasurer’s report: We paid annual insurance and zoom for a year, $2545 remaining.Dance: Allah Hay HuOctober event feedback:Elizabeth happy about holding weekly events and open-mic. Seems to be a good ministry. Turnout could stay high during dark months.Hayra gives thanks for all of us, all as volunteers for many many years, even in pandemic and on zoom. We’re dealing well with the limitations of zoom, thanks to Elizabeth for persistence during learning curve. Thanks to the dancers coming who are making it meaningful and impact.Winter hosting plans:John, Helen, Martha had a meeting to plan winter dance meetings until Elizabeth returns. Looking at likely dates twice a month, inviting leaders from prior fall retreats. Elizabeth wants to possibly lead one session from Mexico. Tech support and facilitating also needed, further volunteers would help. Phil willing to help with any role.The zoom account that has been used is now ours. The same link will work in winter that has been used so far. Events may be posted on website if enough notice is given, but may be sent by announcement if time is tight. Elizabeth puts one announcement on Sunday and a reminder on Tuesday, as well as posting to Facebook on Sunday.Fall Retreat:Elizabeth and Helen will provide main tech support. Themis can assist Friday night. More help will be needed since two tech people will be needed for each session. Elizabeth willing to put together a slide show with music from prior retreat but needs more photos. Martha has photos but transfer procedure needs to be figured outRegistration form should be ready very soon. Paypal button is completed and linked to our bank account. Thanks to Martha, Brian, and N’Shama’s daughter Judith. Judith suggested $100 for 4 hours work, usually charges $60/hour. Agreed.New Business:Yahoogroups will dissolve mid-December. Hayra will send out a message to the list-serve asking for suggestions for alternatives. The goal is no-cost simple announcement list with easy transfer.We discussed some email directed to Martha. John, Phil, and Helen will investigate further.Closing Dance: May the Blessings of God Rest Upon YouNext MeetingDate: Thurs-Nov 19Time: 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator:  John / 206-782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netScribe: Helen
ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME   THURS-NOV 19, 2020     download pdfLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator:  John / 206-782-6129 / jbirnel@comcast.netScribe: HelenInterim committee:John / 206-782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comPhil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.comPresent: Brian, Helen (scribe), Phil, Hayra/Ka, John (convenor), Martha (VfP)
Opening Dance:Om Tara Tu Tara
Treasurers Report: got additional funding from Camp Burton retreat. Current total is $3885, cash and bank account. Possibly still have some expenses pending.Interim Committee Report (John, Hayra/Ka, Phil):
1. Authorized $96 for website backup equipment
2. Approved honorariums for fall retreat.Winter dances Committee (John, Martha, Helen):
Leaders have been found for November 18, December 2 and December 16. 12/16 will start at 7:00pmto accommodate guest leader from Midwest. Info has been posted to website. Jan/Feb are not addressed yet.2020 Regional Retreat Report
~130 individual invitations emailed, as well as general announcements 
Attendance:86 – Fri pm
   45 – Sat am
   74 – Sat pm
   44 – Sun am
   $1295.15  –  via PayPal – 40 donors
   $200         –  via check – 2 donors
   $1495.15  –  Income total
   $190.46  –  ZOOM costs – checks pd to Elizabeth
   $100       –  PayPal button costs –  cash pd to Judith Card (N’Shama’s daughter)
   $200       –  2 Leaders honorariums – cash pd to Matin &Munajat
   $100       –  ZOOM manager – cash pd to Elizabeth
   $60         –  Guest musician travel – cash pd to Amir Paul 
   $51.24    –  PayPal fees – w/drawn from $1295.15 online
   $263       –  Insurance policy required by Camp Burton
   $250       –  Donation to NW Harvest
   $100       –  Donation to Camp Burton
   $100       –  Donation to Keystone Church 
   $1414.    –  70 Expenses total$80.45  Profit after donations to NW Harvest, Camp Burton and Keystone Church.
After some discussion we decided to contribute $250 to NW Harvest, $100 to Camp Burton and $100 to Keystone Church, leaving $80.45 in profit. We can remind dancers on Wednesdays about the Paypal button on the website.
About 10 survey results have come in.Munajat and Martha are compiling “morsels” (resources) from retreat to send to participants.Website Status:
Following notice of a possible copyright violation, our website was reduced to a page with basic information about upcoming events. A consultation with a lawyer from WLA (Washington Lawyers for the Arts) is scheduled. In the meantime, the site has been backed up on two small hard drives, as well as on Brian’s computer.List Serve Change:
Our list at dupnw@yahoogroups.com will shut down in mid-December.Krsna das started a group with voluntary sign-up at groups.io but only about 6 people have signed up. We have received conflicting infoabout the expense of automatically moving members to groups.io. Martha will consult with Aziz about the recent switch at the international level. Wakil is willing to research the issue further and possibly to work with krsna das as moderator. Hayra/Ka will send Wakil an email with our questions. A premium membership would cost $20/month; might we join at the premium level and then return to basic?Global Peace Dance:
The Corvallis, Oregon circle is organizing a regional GPD on zoom.Hayra/Ka volunteered to work with Matin and Zaynab. Brian will contact Matin for details to post on our website.Closing Dance: Shabbat ShalomNext MeetingDate: Thurs-Dec 17, 7-9pmLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator:  Hayra-Ka / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe/Tech: HelenInterim committee:John / 206-782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra-Ka / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org   DECEMBER 17, 2020 @7pm      Download pdfLocation: via ZOOM
     Zoom Coordinator: Elizabeth / edequine@gmail.com / (206) 842-5181Convener/Facilitator:  Hayra-Ka / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comScribe/Tech: HelenInterim committee:John / 206-782-612 / jbirnel@comcast.netHayra-Ka / 206-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.comMartha / (206) 367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.orgPresent: Hayra/Ka (convener), Helen (scribe), Phil (VfP), John, Brian, Martha, Daneshmand (Quorum is present.)Check-ins and Opening Dance (Haida Haida)Announcements: see website for upcoming eventsInterim Committee report:
Our email group was successfully switched from yahoo to groups.io (see below). Many thanks to krsna das for curating the old list for so many years, and to Wakil for setting up the new one.Treasurer:
$3435 in the treasury after completing donations to Northwest Harvest, Camp Burton and Keystone Church.List-serve Transition:
270 names from the old yahoo list were invited. About 70 addresses failed. Martha and Helen reviewed the failed addresses and sent new invites to about 10 people for whomnew addresses were known. So far 77 people have decided to join the new group.
Currently “reply” goes to everyone on the group, rather than to the sender. Hayra volunteered to contact Wakil to see if the group settings could be changed so that “reply” would go only to the sender, with a separate option for “reply all.”Fall Retreat:
Summary of surveys isn’t completed yet. Martha will transfer any funds in paypal to the bank account before the end of the year.Reply to email about possible copyright violation:
We have been assigned a lawyer for a second consultation by Washington Lawyers for the Arts, but an appointment hasn’t been set yet. Meanwhile the website will remain off-line except for an announcement page. Brian will look into the possibility of making minutes of past meetings available through the website.Seattle Dances in January/February:
We will be seeking leaders for 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in January and February. Martha has sent emails to a number of prospective leaders and is awaiting replies.Next meeting:
Date and Time: Thursday 1/14 at 2pm (change of time)
Convenor: Martha / 206-367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org
Scribe: HelenInterim Committee:
     Ka / 205-546-6092 / hayrafatah@gmail.com
     Phil / 425-483-6511 / phil.notermann@gmail.com
     Martha / 206-367-0389 / inoffice@dancesofuniversalpeace.org
Ad hoc group for copyright issue: John, Helen, Phil, Ka
Ad hoc group for Wednesday dances: Martha, John, Hele ZOOM LINKS | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | HOME
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